New OpenAI API / ChatGPT Integration – Generate AI Content For All Your Sites

Our new integration of the OpenAI API allows you to use the amazing power of ChatGPT directly inside your CMS Commander post editor. With a few clicks you can create entire articles on any topic imaginable and then post this content to any of the WordPress sites you manage with us inside your CMS Commander dashboard.

Supported is the creation of content in several distinct writing styles, as well as in several different languages. In the coming weeks we will expand AI integration further to also provide easy content rewriting and other features that will make managing multiple websites in CMS Commander even easier.

To use this feature you will need to sign up for and provide your own OpenAI API key. You can sign up for that here. Luckily usage of the OpenAI API is extremely affordable and you get a free $5 credit after signing up for the first time. From our experience even those free five dollars can last you a long time, as generating a single 800 word article costs less than a single cent!

Get started by heading to the “Editor” page inside your CMS Commander dashboard. There you will find the OpenAI integration by clicking on the “Create AI Content” button above the editor field. If you don’t have an account yet you can sign up for our free trial here.

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Thomas Hoefter