Bulk Install WordPress Plugins

In CMS Commander you can perform many different bulk actions on multiple sites at once in order to save you time. One of the most useful action of those is the possibility to install new WordPress plugins to multiple websites simultaneously.

Why is it useful to install a plugin to multiple WordPress blogs?
Let’s say you own and manage 20 different WordPress sites. Let’s also say you just discovered a new great plugin that you want to install and use on all of them. Normally you will now have to login to the admin area of each blog individually, go to the “Plugins” page to download and install the plugin. That is a process which will require on average 3 to 5 minutes per site.

If you use CMS Commander you can install the new plugin to all your sites in a single action. Instead of 3 to 5 minutes per site you will only need 3 to 5 minutes in total. That means you would save over an hour of time in this example.

How does bulk installing a plugin work in CMS Commander?
In short it works pretty much exactly how it does inside your WordPress admin area and there is nothing difficult about it. The following steps outline the process:

  • Go to the “Plugins” page inside your CMS Commander account.
  • Click on the “Install WordPress Plugins” tab.
  • Now you need to select the source of the plugin. You have the choice to search the official WordPress plugin directory for free plugins, to upload a plugin file from your computer or enter the URL to a plugin file online.
  • If you choose “From WordPress Plugin Directory” a new field becomes visible where you can enter a search term, for example the name of the plugin you want to bulk install.
  • After searching simply check the plugin you want to install in the results and then select all the websites you want to install the plugin to from your list.
  • After pressing the “Install” button the plugin gets installed to all selected sites!
Install plugins to multiple blogs

The bulk install plugin page in CMS Commander.

Does it work for premium plugins?
Yes! The bulk plugin install feature can be used for premium plugins (and themes) as well. It is not limited to free plugins from the WordPress plugin directory. To install a premium plugin to all your sites you need to select and upload the plugin file from your computer or specify a URL to the plugin’s download link you received after purchasing it.

Does it work for WordPress themes?
Yes, WordPress themes can be bulk installed to multiple blogs just the same way as plugins can with CMS Commander! To do that you just need to head to the “Themes” page inside your CMS Commander account.

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