Red is bad: Hover over the shield icon to view the report.
Over this weekend we have released a small update which adds integration for a malware scanner directly into CMS Commander to make it much easier for you to monitor and protect your sites without leaving the dashboard.
From now on all new sites you add to your CMS Commander account are automatically scanned for malware. A flashing red light will alert you if any threats are detected. For existing sites you can run the report manually by hovering over the shield icon in the sitelist on your Dashboard and pressing “Run New Scan”.
Each malware report includes the following information:

A scan report with detected malware
- Whether or not any threat was found on your sites. In case a threat was detected the shield icon will blink in red.
- Malware details: If malware was found a link will bring you to a full report with more details.
- Blacklisting details: If your site is found to be blacklisted on any search engines or security websites you will find a list of those sites with links to each.
Please note that running scan’s in bulk for all your sites or automatically on certain times is not currently possible because that is not allowed by the terms of service of the scanner we are using.
Coming Up Next: Better Support For Premium Plugin Updates
This small update is just the warm up and other exciting things are to come in the next few weeks. Among them will be improvements to the way premium and commercial plugin updates are handled in CMS Commander. You will then be able to update many more of those plugins directly in your dashboard, including all the big names like Gravity Forms.
The next release will be out in roughly 2 to 3 weeks. Originally we were aiming for late April but things are not quite ready yet and we rather want to do it right than rush it. Stay tuned!
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