Improved Site Creation And Backup Features

Well, it seems like we are on a roll. Just two weeks after the last update saw the light of the day another new version has just been launched. This update focuses on improvements to the new deploy WordPress feature as well as the performance of backups for larger sites.

Improved Site Creation Tools

In the last update we added the “Create Site” feature to CMS Commander, which allows you to build and deploy a fresh WordPress installation on your server via FTP – complete with pre-configured settings and pre-installed plugins.

The new feature has been well received by our users and to date over 200 new WordPress websites have been created with it. We have also been busy over the last weeks and fixed several bugs and made the deploy feature work with a larger percentage of webhosts.

With this update the “Create Site” feature leaves beta status and becomes even more powerful. We added a lot of new settings which can now be pre-configured when deploying new WordPress blogs from within CMS Commander. Simply head to this page in your account and try it yourself.

For any new WordPress blog you deploy on the “Create Site” page in CMS Commander you can now:

  • Choose and pre-install a WordPress theme.
  • Pre-install and activate any of your premium plugins, which you have uploaded to CMS Commander.
  • Directly activate several additional security features.
  • Have us set up a “Contact” form and page on your new blog.

All that is in addition to the many settings that could be pre-configured before already of course!

Improved Backup Performance

To make automatic backups work better for large sites as well as for weaker servers we have rewritten a lot of our code. The new version of CMS Commander can create backups faster and upload even large files to remote destinations like Dropbox without failure. Please make sure to update to the latest version 2.13 of the CMS Commander client plugin on your Dashboard page to take advantage of the improvements.

Small Dashboard Changes And Speed Improvements

You might also note a few additional changes to your account dashboard: We have cleaned up and clarified the navigation elements slightly and improved the speed of loading uptime statistics if you have them enabled.

In case you run into any bugs with the new version be sure to let us know!

We hope you enjoy the changes to CMS Commander and as always it will not be that long until the next update comes around. :)

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Thomas Hoefter